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Our Ministries & Outreach

Waterford, Michigan

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St. Andrew's is passionate about ministry and outreach.  


     Our group volunteers their time and talents at The Church at Crossroads (TCAC) Detroit.  Crossroads provides support for inner city people with programs, hot meals, and the message of Jesus Christ.  Under the guidance of the Diocese of Michigan, The Church at Crossroads is an oasis of love, peace and hope.  The mission of  The Church at Crossroads – Episcopal, is to call and grow leaders for the Church and community from among those persons whose life and faith stories are impacted by the brokenness that accompanies severely under resourced urban communities.



A group of people at St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Waterford consistently collect food and blankets for shelter animals. St. Andrew's is passionate about animals.

Choir & Handbells

Currently our choir is experiencing a revival of membership under the direction of our Music director. It is so encouraging to see the seats almost full near the altar. Currently our bell choir meets at 6 pm and choir at 7pm Wednesday evenings for rehearsals.


Sunday School

Sunday school is offered during the 10 am service during the first half of worship. We strive to provide age-appropriate Christian education to children ages three and up. This includes Bible-based stories that children can relate to their own lives, as well as music, art projects and crafts that echo those themes. For the safety of the children, there are two adults in the room at all times. The young people also occasionally participate in the adult service and in multigenerational activities such as the live Nativity at Christmas. 

Blessing Of the Animals

Once a year animals are invited to the church for a special blessing.  This typically turns into a fair like event with the community encouraged to bring animals.  Not uncommon to see police K-9 units and other service animals. This year the blessing starts at 12:00AM on a day TBD.  Bring your pets to mass at noon!


Flint Water Outreach

St. Andrew's collects water for our Sister Parish in Flint, Michigan.  St. Andrew's Flint minister's to the homeless with a Saturday service and meal.  After the delivery of water, all participate in fellowship and service to the homeless.

Crop Walk

St. Andrew's Participates in Crop Walk! For nearly half

a century, CROP Hunger Walks have ensured that more people worldwide have access to nutritious, sustainable food sources. From combating droughts in Nicaragua to providing agricultural training in Indonesia to stocking shelves in hundreds of food pantries across the United States, CROP Hunger Walks help end hunger by raising funds to support local food programs and the international anti-hunger work of Church World Service.

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O.A.T.S Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles

St. Andrew's hosts and assists with their Annual holiday party, and helps in fundraising.  O.A.T.S. promotes the health, well-being and happiness of individuals with disabilities through horseback riding and equine therapy activities.

Fellowship Committee


The Fellowship committee is quite busy within the church involved with things like Coffee Hour, Theatre Party, Lemonades & Cookies in the summer, Eucharist in the Park, the annual Potluck, and the St. Nicholas Brunch in December.  They also welcome new visitors with a loaf of bread.


Daughters of the King

      Our Esther/Margaret of Scotland Chapter of the Daughters

of the King is the fastest growing chapter in the Diocese

of Detroit.  We are very happy with are recent increase of

our membership and feel very blessed.  Our normal meeting schedule brings us together on the last Tuesday of each month.

     Daughters of the King  fellowship begins at 1:30 PM and the meeting begins at 2:00 PM.  As always, we invite any lady who is even just curious about what Daughters of the Kind is all about to attend a meeting.

St. Andrew's Waterford 2025 

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